The Champions Fund provides solid planning and expertise in the establishment, management, maintenance and coordination of professional services required to effectively run a charitable foundation. All of this is achieved through the following:
As a result, The Champions Fund can offer its fund members the senior level expertise normally associated with more mature organizations to new, smaller foundation or charitable programs just starting out.
Governed by a three-member Board of Directors specializing in tax-exempt tax law, accounting/audit practices and community/fund development, TCF encourages each donor advisor to appoint their own advisor, or group of advisors, to provide advice and recommendations in the areas of program management and fundraising and to serve as public advocates for the organization.
Once you sign with The Champions Fund, the establishment of your charitable, tax-exempt foundation is immediate. Once a check is written for the initial contribution, and a name for the charity is selected, you’re ready to go! Your timetable for giving and level of community involvement is completely up to you. Grants and community programs can be offered and awarded at any time – today, or two years from now – whenever it’s most desirable to you.
And, you can take your full tax deduction up to the limit of the law – immediately!
TCF offers a myriad of services. It’s up to you. Our team of community relations professionals can construct and execute various special events and community-based programs on your behalf, or we can simply write your favorite charitable organization a check in your name from your fund.
You make the call.
Regardless of where you work or play, TCF can efficiently and effectively operate programs, issue grants and conduct all foundation business in any community nationwide, or even internationally.
Should you relocate, your programs remain intact and continue to operate without interruption.
Additionally, TCF will work to ensure continuity of your community programs upon your relocation. If needed, we will identify a new player mentor to adopt your existing program, so that the charity and its beneficiaries not suffer.
As an umbrella organization, The Champions Fund eliminates all accounting fees and escalating start-up costs associated with creating your own foundation, and avoids the perilous uncertainty associated with waiting for your 501(c)3 status. By having your account with The Champions Fund, you reduce your general overhead and administrative costs through a sharing of resources for these services with other funds.